
Fitness on the Go: Staying Active While Traveling in Enniskillen

Tue 4, 2024

Discover tips for staying active while traveling in Enniskillen. Explore local fitness facilities, pack versatile gear, and enjoy active excursions. Stay fit and healthy on the go!

Staying active while traveling can be challenging, but with a little planning, you can maintain your fitness routine and even enjoy new activities. Whether you’re staying at hotels in the Enniskillen area or exploring the beautiful landscapes of Fermanagh, these tips will help you stay fit on the go.

1. Pack Light, Versatile Gear

Bringing compact, versatile fitness gear can make a big difference:

  • Resistance Bands: These are lightweight and can be used for a full-body workout.
  • Jump Rope: Great for cardio and takes up very little space.
  • Travel Yoga Mat: Foldable and perfect for yoga or stretching exercises.

2. Utilise Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are a convenient way to work out without any equipment. Some effective bodyweight exercises include:

  • Push-Ups
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Planks
  • Burpees

These exercises can be done in your hotel room, at a park, or even in an airport lounge. For a comfortable stay with enough space to exercise, consider booking at The Westville Hotel.

3. Explore the Local Area on Foot or by Bike

Exploring Enniskillen and its surroundings can be an enjoyable way to stay active:

  • Walking Tours: Discover the local sights while getting exercise.
  • Running Routes: Check apps like MapMyRun for popular routes in Enniskillen.
  • Bike Rentals: Many cities offer bike rentals or sharing programs.

4. Local Fitness Facilities

If your accommodation lacks a gym or pool, consider nearby fitness options:

  • Empower Health Club: This local gym offers a range of fitness equipment and classes. It’s an excellent option for maintaining your workout routine. Check their website or contact them for membership details and class schedules.

5. Plan Active Excursions

Incorporate physical activities into your travel plans:

  • Hiking: Explore local trails and nature parks.
  • Water Sports: Try kayaking, paddleboarding, or other water activities.
  • Dance Classes: Join a local dance class to experience the culture and stay fit.

6. Set a Routine

Maintaining a routine can help you stay on track:

  • Morning Workouts: Start your day with a quick workout to stay on track.
  • Fitness Apps and Videos: Use apps like Nike Training Club or YouTube for guided workout sessions.

7. Stay Hydrated and Eat Healthy

Proper nutrition and hydration are crucial for staying active:

  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water, especially when active.
  • Healthy Snacks: Pack nuts, fruits, and other healthy snacks to avoid unhealthy options.

8. Use Hotel Amenities Creatively

Even without a gym or pool, you can use available resources:

  • Staircase Workouts: Use the hotel stairs for cardio.
  • In-Room Workouts: Utilize furniture for exercises like tricep dips or elevated push-ups.

9. Local Outdoor Activities

Take advantage of outdoor spaces:

  • Parks and Trails: Enjoy a walk or jog in local parks.
  • Outdoor Yoga: Find a quiet spot for a yoga session.

By incorporating these strategies, you can stay active and healthy while enjoying your travels in Enniskillen. Whether it’s a morning workout in your hotel room or a visit to the Empower Health Club, staying fit on the go is entirely achievable.


What are some fitness-friendly hotels in Enniskillen?

Consider staying at The Westville Hotel for comfortable accommodations and space for in-room workouts.

Where can I find local fitness facilities in Enniskillen?

The Empower Health Club offers a variety of fitness equipment and classes. Check their website for more details.

What are some outdoor activities in Enniskillen?

Enjoy hiking, biking, and water sports around Lough Erne and local nature parks.

How can I stay active without gym access?

Use bodyweight exercises, pack light fitness gear, and utilize hotel amenities creatively to stay active.

For more information on staying fit while traveling and to book your stay, explore our special offers and deals.

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